The highly anticipated Entebbe Free Trade Zone in Uganda is progressing well, with the Uganda Free Zones Authority (UFZA) reporting that physical works are 66 percent complete and the budget for the first phase, valued at $13.6 million, is 80 percent executed. Contracted to NEC Works Ltd, a commercial enterprise of the Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF), the project aims to transform Uganda’s export landscape. Located on five acres provided by the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority, the facility will feature seven production lines, four of which have already secured investors. These investments are projected to generate up to $37.6 million annually for Uganda.

The Entebbe facility is designed to promote export-led investment by offering duty exemptions, making Uganda’s exports more competitive in international markets. Government objectives include increasing production for export, creating jobs, adding local value, improving the balance of trade, and expanding opportunities for Ugandans. Additionally, SECO (U) Limited, a private investor, is constructing a 10,000-metric-ton vessel to operate between Entebbe, Mwanza (Tanzania), and Kisumu (Kenya), enhancing logistical capabilities. This green investment will reduce transportation costs, alleviate road wear and tear, and lower carbon emissions. The UFZA is also planning another significant project in Kaweweeta, Nakaseke, to further support these objectives.